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Biofortification: Foods that Heal
Overview: Most of the foods we partake are deficient in essential micro nutrients like Iodine, Selenium, Iron, Zinc, Copper, Molybdenum,...
ReTagging Memories
( Continued from the previous post: The Art of Healing Memories that Hurt ) How do you Retag an Unpleasant Memory? Are there any...
The Art of Healing Memories that Hurt
Sujata was a Prehealing participant who stayed with us while she was doing the Prehealing Lifestyle Program. As a part of the Prehealing...
Are you Busy Sitting ?
Blog Overview If you have a very busy lifestyle and you are exhausted at the end of the day, ask yourself if you were Busy Sitting! Most...
Life is a Journey from I to WE
As a newborn and an infant the child is more focused only about self. First comes the 'I'. Later on as the child is able to recognize and...
Education for Life...
When my teacher used to say " Education is for life and not for living ", I barely understood the profoundness of the saying. As I went...
The Backup Plan.
2nd Feb 2012. It was 10:20 pm. Sangeeta my better half, was almost done with putting our two little ones, Aum and Sri to sleep. Whilst...