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PreHealing Trust Initiative

Not many people sit by a pool of muddy water and appreciate its beauty.  In spite of the limitations of its environment, the lotus does rise above the surface and expresses itself so beautifully, that many visit a lotus pond oblivious of the murky waters beneath it.

PREHEALING COMMUNITY members are aware of the limitations of our society, governments, environment and many of the self limiting beliefs that have been created for sustaining the economy. Yet, we prefer to rise above all these limitations and express ourselves in ways that will enrich our lives and transform those around.




We Trust


      Our Community is an initiative based on Prehealing, that transcends modern commerce and economy driven lifestyle. The initiative is for creating a global joint family so that all the members of this community get access to resources and support just as they would get from close family and friends. 

As of now, we accept community members only by invitation. However, if your reaching this webpage has been a serendipitous event and you resonate with this idea of a big global joint family then you are most welcome to get in touch


Take some time to go through our blogs. You will find everything from Prehealing  Philosophy, Information on Herbs, Recipes etc,,,


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