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Onion Herbal Tea: Antipyretic (For Fever)

Das K

( Summary for those who don’t have the time to read it all )

1 Large Onion cut into 4-5 pieces, 4 cups of water (800ml) a pinch of turmeric and 4-5 cloves. ( Add Jaggery if you are making it for children or for patients who are feeling very weak )

Boil all these till the water is reduced to half the quantity. Filter, store in a Thermos flask and give the patient about 1/2 glass every half an hour or so


This Kashyam ( Herbal Tea / Anti Fever Soup ) helps the body heal faster and as a result helps normalize the body temperature. Given below is the recipe.

The Basic recipe is for emergencies and requires very few ingredients. The optional items could be used when you have access to additional herbs. Nevertheless both these recipes can help the patient recover from fever by addressing the root cause

Onion Kashyam: Basic Recipe


1 Big Onion ( 120-140gms)

4-5 Cloves

1/4th Tsp of Turmeric powder

Small piece of Ginger

4 Cups of Water ( Approx 800ml)

Optional Items 1: To be added along with the above ingredients ( Subject to availability)

1/2 inch piece of Cinnamon

Pinch of pepper powder

2-3 tsp of basil leaves

1-2 lemon grass leaves ( chopped)

2-3 tsp of Mint leaves

Optional Items 2: To be added just before taking the vessel off the flame

1/4th Tsp of Glycyrrhiza glabra powder (Also called as Liquorice Powder, Yashtimadhu, Atimadhuram)

1-2 tsp of Jaggery


Keep the water for boiling. Cut onion into 4-5 pieces and add it to the water. Add cloves and ginger and let the water boil. Let the decoction boil till for some time till you have approximately 2-3 glasses of water left. ( You have to boil till the quantity of water is reduced by 30-50% )

Lower the flame when the quantity of water has reduced and then add turmeric powder. You can also add Glycyrrhiza powder ( and Jaggery, if required – recommended for children ). After adding the powders, continue heating on a low flame for about half a minute and then turn off the flame. Cover the vessel and let the powders settle.

Filter through a fine sieve and store it in a Thermos flask

Dosage: Serve Hot. About 1/2 to 1 Glass every hour or as and when required.


This herbal tea is like a soup. You can also add a tsp or two of lemon juice to your Onion Herbal Tea just before serving ( Do not add it while storing the herbal tea in the flask. Lemon Juice has to be freshly squeezed and added ).

Many parents / caretakers worry as to what food can be given to the patients when they have fever. Onion Kashyam works as an antipyretic medicine and also doubles up as a soup that provides nutrition and the necessary phytochemicals to fight disease. If the patient does not have an appetite do not force feed the patient. This herbal tea will double up as a nutritional supplement.

And yes, unlike conventional medicines, the best part about this Herbal Kashyam is that you do not have to worry about restricting the quantity. A person can take as much as they want as and when they feel comfortable.


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