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The Herbal Flu Shot: Indian Mint

An easy to grow pot herb with thick fleshy succulent leaves and a strong aroma reminiscent of Caraway seeds and Oregano.

It is an excellent remedy for cough and cold, throat infections and indigestion. In case of a bee sting or insect bites, application of the crushed leaf to the area brings quick relief. This herb too has powerful antibacterial properties and recent studies also indicate that this herb could possess potent antiviral properties that would help fight viruses like Herpes and HIV.

Uses: Primarily Used as an Expectorant, for Treating Cough, Cold, Sneezing, Fever and Headaches

Other Uses: For Asthma, Sore throat, Sinusitis, Bronchitis, Epilepsy, Convulsions, Meningitis, Analgesic (Pain relieving), Anti-inflammatory, Treating Rheumatoid arthritis, Powerful Antioxidant, Cardiovascular health and protection from Congestive Heart Failure, Anticancer, Antibacterial- Protects from E-Coli, Salmonella and TB, For Oral and Dental Hygeine- As an mouthwash / toothpowder to prevent Tooth decay and Gum infections, Antifungal (Used for treating Candida and other fungal infections), Used for healing Wounds, Burns, skin infections, Dandruff, Skin allergies, Indigestion, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Bloating, Diarrhoea, Genitourinary diseases and Urinary Tract infections, Menstrual pains, Helps increase secretion of milk in lactating mothers.

Disclaimer: For the untrained eye, many plants appear similar. Do not attempt to harvest and use herbs until and unless you are familiar with herb identification and usage.

If you want to use any of the herbs mentioned on these blogs, please do so under the guidance of a doctor or a holistic practitioner. You can also write to us at for usage information specific to your issue.

Scientific Name: Plectranthus amboinicus | English: Indian Borage, Indian Mint | Sanskrit: Sughandavalakam| Hindi: Patherchur | Bengali: Pathorchur | Tamil: Karpuravalli | Marathi: Pan-Ova | Telugu: Sugandhavalkam | Kannada: Dodda Patre | Malayalam: Kannikkurkka |

Traditional Uses:

1. 5-10 ml of the juice is given with honey to help decrease cough and as an expectorant. It also helps bring down fever.

2. A tooth powder prepared from the leaves of this herb helps protect from Tooth decay and other Oral infections.

3. The leaves are crushed and applied to address pain caused due to insect bites and stings

4. Fresh juice of the leaves is taken along with half a tsp of Ginger juice to help alleviate Gastrointestinal complaints like Indigestion, Bloating, Acidity etc

5. For headaches: A paste of the leaves is applied to the forehead.

6. The fresh leaves can be added to Salads to impart a mild oregano flavour, can be used to make Chutneys, Green gravy that goes well with rice or can be shallow fried after coating the leaves with gram flour batter.

Note: This herb is one of the ingredients used for preparing Aloe Vera cough syrup and Adulsa cough Syrup.


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