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Aparajita: The invincible Clitorea ternatea

Das K

Can be used for : Diabetes, Hypertension, Migraine, Asthma, Hormonal issues, Joint pains and inflammations, Liver related issues, Insomnia due to stress and anxiety, Poor Memory, Skin disorders, Cancer and HIV.

Scientific Name: Clitorea ternatea | English: Butterfly pea, Asian Pigeonwings| Sanskrit, Hindi and Bengali: Aparajita | Tamil: Kannikkodi | Marathi: Gokarni | Telugu: Sakha pushpam | Kannada: Aparajite |

Parts used: Flowers, Pods, leaves, Stem and Roots.

Usage in Traditional Medicine: Every part of the plant is useful. Here is a quick overview of the various medicinal uses of this plant.

1. It’s a brain tonic (Nervine Tonic) and acts as a Nootropic: (Improves memory, intelligence and cognitive faculties).

2. This herb helps improve sleep related parameters with its anxiety reducing, sedative and antidepressant properties.

3. Seed and Leaf extracts also helps address general pain and inflammation. Hence this herb can be taken when your markers of inflammation are high e.g. high ESR and elevated CRP.

4. Poultice of leaves and flowers helps heal boils and ulcers.

5. Leaf juice and paste helps heal pimples , skin blemishes, scars and inflammation.

6. For Vitiligo/ Leucoderma, roasted seeds are taken internally and the root juice of Aparajita combined with equal quantities of Avaram senna root juice is applied externally o n the affected part.

7. Instilling a few drops of the seed extract in the nose will help address Migraine and headaches.

8. Leaf, stem and root juice also helps address breathing problems like Asthma, Wheezing as well as Dry and persistent cough

9. The above juice also helps heal persistent and recurring fevers in children and adults alike

10. Has anti-tumour properties as certain peptides contained in this plant are toxic only to cancer cells. It can be one of the best remedies for helping prevent as well as fight cancer.

11. Seed powder as well as the juice/extract of the plant is a liver tonic and helps the liver heal faster when suffering from Jaundice.

12. Can be used for treating gastrointestinal bloating, acidity and frequent indigestion

13. The leaf juice with ginger and honey, helps address nausea and control vomiting.

14. Leaf, Stem and Root juice can be used by those suffering from UTI

15. Can be used to provide relief from Arthritic and Rheumatic pains. Paste of leaves can be applied on swollen and inflamed joints.

16. Leaf and Root juice is good for Kidneys. Root Juice along with Manjistha ( Rubia cordifolia) has been used to address kidney stone issues.

17. Seed powder given along with the juice of the plant helps control irregular menses, pain and excessive bleeding in women.

18. Juice of the whole plant, Flowers, Pods, Leaves, stem and roots help address oedema and swelling due to water retention in the body.

19. Leaves are soaked in water for some time and the water is used to wash the eyes. Helps keep the eyes healthy. This eyewash also helps decrease the symptoms of conjunctivitis.

20. For Tonsillitis: Gargling with a strong decoction of the leaves helps heal enlarged and inflamed tonsils.

21. Its Vascular smooth muscle relaxing properties make it a wonderful herb to address Hypertension ( Elevated Blood Pressure)

22. Extracts of this plant help patients with Diabetes. The antidiabetic properties of this plant are due to the synergistic effect it has on the entire metabolic pathways, assisted by its property to reduce stress, decrease inflammation and improve intracelluar signalling.

Disclaimer: For the untrained eye, many plants appear similar. Do not attempt to harvest and use herbs until and unless you are familiar with herb identification and usage.

If you want to use any of the herbs mentioned on these blogs, please do so under the guidance of a doctor or a holistic practitioner. You can also write to us at for usage information specific to your issue.


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